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A Pre-Season Message From the President

A Pre-Season Message From the President

22 Apr 2021

Hello Summer, Hello Chertsey Folk...

I hope you are all well as we ease out of lockdown and hold our faces up to the sun, still a bit chilly. I sense the enthusiasm flowing through the Club from just attending the Work Day, a Committee meeting and of course early season nets….finger stingers!


Tonight alone 3‘s and 4‘s nets have 40 players booked, including me… awesome. I will be a little more involved with the Ladies senior section this year, just as support for new skipper Lorna so I’ve been to Wednesday nets and have been very Impressed by firstly, Boasty's training sessions and the response from our Ladies giving it all. The skill levels of some of the younger bowlers is remarkable, swinging it both ways, back of the hand, whoa great stuff.


The Ladies have their most challenging fixture list they have ever had particularly in Division 2 where there are some of Surrey's most senior clubs to play, when we can please support them.


So best of luck to all teams starting with friendlies this weekend - 2021 Forecast from the Pres…. Jack's boys to win promotion, Wiggy’s lads top half in a very high standard league, 3s and 4’s promotion, Sunday soldiers unbeaten,  Ladies some wins !


Presidents Day July 18th

Like many businesses and sports clubs big and small, recent times have been financially challenging and CCC is no exception. But early discussions with the Chairman and Treasurer indicate a willingness to try and put on a fun day, loosely called Presidents Day. It may not be as grand as years gone by but it will be FUN. 


So to start us off I’m on the scrounge, does anybody out there have anything that would contribute to our day and not cost us much. I guess I’m thinking of bouncy castles and general entertainment for the little folk and absolutely anything else you can think of that would enhance our day.. If any local companies would like to advertise on the day I’m sure we can agree competitive rates for the day and maybe the season ?


I could also do with  some human beings to help on the day and the planning please, I feel a sub-committee coming on. And of course there will be a game of cricket going on, Jack's first team warriors v the Pres team led by some bloke called Bill Pulling hmmmm. I am sure we will have a great day and even find some music to swing your hips to in the evening. So please contact self or Claire at comms@chertseycc.org.uk for any suggestions.


Quick quiz... Which local cricket team will celebrate 100 years playing on its home ground  next season, yes you got it CCC . Now that will be a day possibly 17th……. be there


Pullo Pres