2025 Membership Opens on

1st April


Existing members will receive a renewal notification on 1st April 2025 via Spond.


Click here for info

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World Cargo Logistics

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2025 Membership will reopen on 1st April.


New Members - If you are new to CCC and want to join, new members can fillout the New Members Application Form below selecting the membership you need. If approved, you will receive a payment request that must be paid within 7 days of approval to validate your membership. Once your membership is approved you will receive an email to confirm you're a fully paid up member of the Club! 

Colts Parents - Please note you will also have to complete a Social/Parent Membership when completing your Colt(s) membership(s).

Existing Members - You will receive a renewal notification from Spond on 1st April - you then have until 30th April to complete. Once you have submitted your application, it will be reviewed by the membership secretary.


Memberships can also be completed at either of our sign-on nights, 23rd and 24th April, in person at the club.

2025 Usual Membership Rates

Annual Subscriptions


Senior Members (Over 21)    


Intermediate Members (18-21)    £80
Junior Members (School Year 3 Upwards to Under 18) *   £60

2nd/3rd/4th Junior Members

Same Family)    

Blue Caps (School Year 1 and 2)    £35
Chertsey Ladies (Playing)

Social Member (Playing) **

(can play Social League and up to 4 Club matches over the season)


Social/Parent Membership x1 (Non Playing)    

Social Team Membership ***£250

* All U18 members must have at least one parent or legal guardian who is also a member of the club either playing or social.  Both memberships will need to be submitted and paid at the same time.

**Allows you to play in Social League matches and up to a maximum 4 league matches per season - If you exceed 4 league matches, you will be sent a payment request to upgrade your playing membership.

***Allows up to 15 named players to play Social League matches for one Social League Team.  You will need to provide a list of your players.

New Members Application Form


This will appear from 1st April 2025


Membership FAQs

Please forward your request or email membership@chertseycc.org.uk directly with your details and the membership type you need and we can send you a new request.

The playing member or parent/guardian will receive a payment request via the Spond app. Any non-playing, social or parent member will receive a request via email. Please check both your Spond app and email. If no request has been received please email membership@chertseycc.org.uk.

Stop! You cannot play over four league games (these tend to be on a Saturday or Sunday) without upgrading your membership. This must be done before confirming your availability. Please contact membership@chertseycc.org.uk with your details and we will send you a new payment requedt to upgrade to a Playing member.

Only members receive these, so you would need to complete a membership. All messages are sent via the Spond app, and app users will receive a notification in their app (so make sure you turn on notifications. Non-app users will receive an email. If your email address has changed please change this at the renewal stage or email membership@chertseycc.org.uk.

Colts will receive either a blue training shirt or cap as part of their membership which needs to be collected at signing on night (April 15th or 19th, 6pm to 8pm) at the club, but Seniors, Ladies, and Intermediate playing members will receive a rebate on one Masuri-branded playing shirt in the 2024 season redeemable at the bar. 

Colts teams will also have a number of playing shirts available to them, but parents will be expected to buy trousers.

Buy kit here: https://teamwear.nxt-sports.com/shop/chertsey-cc

Yes - when signing up any Colts we also need a parent to complete a Social/Parent's Membership also for £20. This is so the Colt has a parent contact both in Spond groups relating to their team and they receive any messages from CCC via our team hosting service Spond - for example messages via your team groups and to acknowledge availability, and the CCC newsletter "Bluecaps in Brief".