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President Pullo's Log - June 2020 - Pullo the Warden

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Hello Chertsey!

Well Monday before last I leant into the fierce northerly wind with a light film of rain running down between my eyebrows and thought "this is it’’, the cricket season has arrived! I was at the nets!

And I was a warden! What is a warden? I don’t know! but Boasty said I was so I must be, just waiting for the cap and Hi-Viz now.

Dodgy start, I rushed to the gates without my glasses so couldn’t see the numbers on the lock, rushed back to get them while the first team man-gods queued into Grove Road and gunned their performance motors, have you seen what these boys drive!!

But power to Bogie's Warriors, in terrible conditions turned the time to great use with a committed couple of hours practice, backs suitably bent …sit down Pullo.

And then come Thursday due to a moments madness I have agreed to make up the numbers in the 3s and 4s session. I broke the lockdown with the first delivery as it went in the unused net but thereafter got vaguely near the batsmen. Always helped by a bit of respect from Josh Loveridge groping forward, "turned a bit Pullo’’, didn’t, but I love that boy.

2 hours later with only 3 bowlers at a time per net the back is stiff and cheeks pink, sit down Pullo.

Suffering today but really enjoyed hearing the ball on willow and being part of the team and the banter.

Nearly there. Come on ECB.

Pullo Pres