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Bluecaps in Brief: Fix Up, Look Sharp

Bluecaps in Brief: Fix Up, Look Sharp

9 Apr 2021

Ah the fragrant smell of bat oil and the nerve janglingly annoying sound of tapping in a bat, two things you may have become familiar with again in the last week.


Opening the Batting

By this point most CCC teams will have trained together for the first time, and what a week they've chosen - minus temperatures throughout (makes catching fun), including snow on Tuesday, and a tiny bit of rain to come over the weekend (the grounds team will be pleased), but how good is it to be back out there eh, whatever the weather.


Here is the current training schedule, if you are interested in joining a session please do your membo first at www.chertseycc.org.uk/pages/membership and if you're a newbie drop us a mail so we can put you in contact with your new squad via Whatsapp if you aren't familiar - its always best to stay involved with your WhatsApp group for the most up to date info.


Monday evening - Bluebirds

Tuesday evening - 1s & 2s

Wednesday evening - Ladies

Thursday evening - 3s & 4s

Friday evening - U10s, U11s, U12s, U13s

Saturday morning - U14s & U15s

Sunday morning - U9s


We would ask also that you download the NHS app from your app provider before you head down too as everyone will need to scan the QR code provided before you start which fulfils the track & trace requirements.


Who are the Bluebirds though you ask? Going strong for two seasons now, they are heading up our female colts section of school year age 10 & 11, and they train on Monday nights from 6-7pm, always on the lookout for new chicks to join the nest, so if you have a budding Sarah Taylor or Elysse Perry or they just want to try their hand at something new, no experience is necessary. 


The first fixtures of the season have been announced and first off the bat are the chaps on Saturday 24th April with the 1st & 2nd XIs playing Woking & Horsell home and away respectively (the 2s returning to the scene of their treble-winning match in 2018 may we add) in a friendly. Sunday 25th sees the rest of the world join the fray in a bumper Sunday - the Ladies will be away to Ashford, the Sunday XI at home to Vishwa CC, the U9s take on Englefield Green, the U13s take on Normandy, and finally the U14s play Woking & Horsell. Phew!


We actually have a new way of keeping you up to date with all the fixtures and events at CCC over the coming season - we have entered into the realms of the digital calendar. Now there are two ways to start getting spammed sorry enter this new world - you can either head over to the webpage and click Subscribe to Google Calendar at the bottom right corner of the calendar or for those flashy ones with an iPhone we have an ical link for you too on the page which you can use to copy & paste into your preferred calendar app. It will give you everything ever though so if you're not down for that you can just keep an eye on the calendar for all the goings on by saving the page to your favourites.


The most frequent question we've been asked over lockdown? WHEN'S THE BAR OPENING?! (needing to escape the house for a real pint much?) Well, very soon is the answer, sorry we can't be more specific, as with these things there's some bits to iron out first then we'll be back in touch with the confirmed date. Now would be a good time to get ahead and get your social membo done though, which you can do over at www.chertseycc.org.uk/pages/membership


The CPL Public Draft opened its books last week and we have been impressed by the turnout, clearly our subliminal nudging to immerse yourself into the CCC playing ranks is working. Don't forget if you do want to join the spectacular that is the Chertsey Premier League tournament this season and you are a member and over the age of 13 and you don't appear in the main draft (rules rules rules yes we know - where would we be without them - ) drop us a mail before April 23rd and we'll get you into the hottest ticket in town. Its who you know.



Dates For Your Diary

30th April - CPL Auction Night

8th May - First weekend of the Seniors league season

30th May - CPL Round 1

27th June - CPL Round 2

11th July - Colts Day

18th July - President's Day

25th July - CPL Round 3

29th August - CPL Finals Day



Evidently there are now more ways than ever to get involved with playing at CCC, and to end we have ANOTHER stonking opportunity for you - the Thursday night league that puts the "Social" in Social League, are in need of one more team this season to complete the competition and turn it into a decagon-sided duel. So, grab together eleven of your best squad (workmates, friends or family, etc) think of a snazzy team name and enter with Mr Richard Luff at r.luff@btinternet.com before next Monday 12th.


We're off to dig out the black armband, just one off the century Prince Phillip, fantastic innings.