2025 Membership Opens on

1st April


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CCC 2024 Annual General Meeting Details

CCC 2024 Annual General Meeting Details

13 Nov 2024

It's all eyes on the members' AGM on December 6th, our last event of 2024. For the uninitiated, it's a precursor to the year ahead - it's where we vote in our Committee, (this time around, President too) and Captains, elect our Vice Presidents, Life Vice President's, Honorary Members, highlight or ratify any changes to the club Constitution, and give our members the opportunity to voice their questions. A must for CCC members to keep in the know.


There are two things we'd like to you to do pre-AGM - firstly look over our AGM Guide below which should hopefully explain the jist of what's going to happen - we may add to this in the run-up to the AGM so make sure before you attend you've perused. Secondly, become familiar with the Apply For a CCC Official Position Here form on our Club Officials page - pretty much every Committee position is up for grabs and we've now made it easier (and less scary) to apply for a Committee or Playing Captain position. You can fill the form out for yourself or on behalf of whoever you are proposing, and can find all the details on how to apply over on the Club Officials page.


AGM Details

Time: 7pm for 7.30pm start

Location: Chertsey CC, Sir Edward Stern Sports Ground, Grove Road, Chertsey, KT16 9DL 

Last Year's Minutes: AGM 5th January 2024 <-click here

2024 Financial Report: CCC Accounts to October 2024 <-click here


  • Sign off prior AGM
  • Club policies and updates to constitution
  • Review and sign off accounts
  • The Trustees
  • Chairman's report and 2025 President
  • Break
  • Captain's reports
  • Captain's nominations and ratify
  • Committee nominations and ratify
  • AOB
  • Honorary members, Vice Presidents, and Life Vice Presidents


New Committee Position - Social Secretary

After spending all summer in each other's pockets in the warmth of the patio, the winter months can be bleak and not a lot of fun for some, which is why the social side of things is very important to keep the home fires burning. The social events at CCC are renowned for being epic throughout the season - President's Day, CPL Finals Day, Dinner Dance to name a few, but it takes time to get it all together, time we don't have, so need your help to keep them going all year round.

So, we've resurrected the Social Secretary position, the holder of which will join our 2025 Committee. We need someone with energy. ideas, the willingness to get stuck in, and the ability to arrange a blooming good party encompassing all corners of the club are all prerequisites for this role. They will be of course supported by those on Committee and the wider membership who have overlapping roles.

If this sounds right up your street, you need to fill out the nomination form on our Club Officials page on our website to apply. You can fill the form out for yourself or on behalf of whoever you are proposing, but be aware we'll verify the details ahead of the AGM.


Constitution Amendments

Our current Constitution can be found here.

The membership will be asked to ratify the below amendments to the Constitution prior to any voting at the AGM, so please make sure you read carefully and ask Hon. Secretary Mary O'Farrell (details below) any questions if you need to. Proposed amendments are highlighted in blue.


3.4 The club will adopt and implement the ECB Cricket Equality Policy ECB Anti-Discrimination Code of Conduct  and any future versions of the policy.


5. The Committee and Officers

5.2 The Club will be managed by a Management Committee ("The Committee") consisting of
Vice Chairman
Honorary Secretary
Treasurer *
Director of Cricket
Director of Junior Cricket
Safeguarding Officer
Fixture Secretary
Membership Secretary
Ground Manager
Bar Manager
Communications Manager
Commercial Manager
Facilities Manager
1st XI Captain
Social Secretary


7. General Meetings

7.1 The following categories of membership have voting rights on all club matters with the
exception of the vote for playing captains:
The President
Life Vice Presidents
Vice Presidents
Mens Senior Members (over 18)
Intermediate Members
Ladies Senior Members (over 18)
Social Member (Playing)
Committee members 

NB: Social membership (non-playing) does not carry a vote, however, on specific items and
at the discretion of the management committee this can be changed.


8. Disciplinary Procedure

8.1 Any complaints regarding the behaviour of members, guests or volunteers should be lodged 
in writing within 30 days of the incident and reported to the Disciplinary Office.

8.2 Any person that is the subject of a written complaint or appeal shall be notified of the procedures to be followed by the relevant committee in reasonable time to prepare for any hearing.

8.3 The Committee shall appoint a disciplinary sub-committee (Disciplinary Sub-Committee), this will be made up of 3 members of committee who will meet to hear complaints within 14 days of a complaint being lodged. Any person requested to attend a Disciplinary Sub-Committee shall be entitled to be accompanied by a friend or other representative and to call witnesses. The Disciplinary Sub-Committee has the power to take appropriate disciplinary action on behalf of the Committee, including the termination of membership or exclusion from Club premises.

8.4 The outcome of the disciplinary hearing shall be put in writing to the person who lodged the complaint and the person against whom the complaint was made within 7 days following the hearing(s).

8.5 There shall be a right of appeal within 14 days of receipt of the disciplinary decision or decision to refuse membership:
- against the Disciplinary Sub-Committee’s findings or the sanction imposed or both; and - against the Committee’s refusal to admit a new member. In either case, the Committee shall appoint an appeals committee.

8.6 The Appeals Committee shall have a maximum of three members which shall not include members involved with the initial disciplinary hearing but may include non-members of the Club. The Appeals Committee shall consider the appeal within 14 days of the Disciplinary Officer receiving the appeal. The individual who submitted the appeal shall be entitled to be accompanied by a friend or other representative and to call witnesses. The decision of the Appeals Committee shall be final and binding on all parties.


Please contact Hon. Secretary Mary O'Farrell prior to the meeting if you are unable to attend and/or wish to ask a question.