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1st April


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CCC's New Play it Forward Club Hopes to Get YOU Involved!

CCC's New Play it Forward Club Hopes to Get YOU Involved!

7 Feb 2024

We all know our club is amazing, but it only turns because of the great and epic volunteers who dedicate their free time to do those little (or big) jobs that need doing.

So this is where you come in - we've set up the Play it Forward Club initiative - we post tasks that need doing and if you can do it, you comment below to pick up the task. The club has a vast set of untapped skills, so here's your time to shine and give back.

Some tasks may be bigger than others, and some may be paid (winner winner) but remember, however little or much time you can give, you're doing your bit to keep the club turning and keeping it amazing for everyone. Look out for the Play it Forward Club posts to join in.

Shall we get going ?

Our first task is a big fat paid one. Ah the hallowed cricket tea, a staple of the cricketing day, it keeps our players fit (sometimes to burst) for the task ahead. We're looking for multiple tea people to join our rota, so it's as big a job as you want to make it - if you're a star baker or an expert sandwich maker, apply via our Facebook or Instagram comments.