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Chairman's Response To Extending Training Facilities This Season

Chairman's Response To Extending Training Facilities This Season

12 Aug 2020

Dear all,


I have considered opinions for and against from the sub committee (Cobra) that has been controlling the reopening of the club and bar and I have revisited the ECB/Gov guidelines.


I have received emails from a small section of the club in favour of expanding the availability of the nets and I have received emails from other sections of the club in support of not expanding and continuing what we are doing.


This morning I received another email from the Surrey Championship reaffirming the guidelines and saying:


‘...Please be in no doubt that our ability to continue playing cricket is subject to us continuing to take the relevant precautions and we do not want to be in a position where recreational cricket is suspended as a result of non compliance...’

...’please do not cut any corners and remember the guidance applies to all clubs equally’


It is clear that clubs are not adhering to the guidelines and, as we have said before, we will not react to the ‘but they are doing it’ argument.


I am of the opinion that with a great deal of time and energy Mary, Felix and Phil have got the club to a place of happy harmony , all teams are training regularly there is substantial competitive cricket available for all and the bar is open - there is no sense in releasing restrictions further and putting us at a potential risk (however small). 


I am aware that we could do this with peoples help and I thank them for the offer but as it stands I think the club is offering more than could have been hoped for and I am confident in my decision not to expand on what we have in place.


To be 100% clear -




This is my decision as chairman, taken impartially with all the arguments for and against  - I believe this is the best way forward for the club.


If anyone is unhappy with this decision or knows of members that are unhappy please direct them / come to me.


The real threat of a resurgence of COVID is with us and we all have a responsibility to be aware of this and protect others. Whether you agree or not the fact is this hasn’t gone away and this season will remain as it is.


I suggest we put our efforts into enjoying the coming weeks of cricket and the club as best we can rather than pontificating on what could have / might have been. I think it will be a long cold winter !


Mark Nuti (Chairman)