2025 Membership Opens on

1st April


Existing members will receive a renewal notification on 1st April 2025 via Spond.


Click here for info

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Ladies & Girls Kick Off Meeting - 19th January 7pm

Ladies & Girls Kick Off Meeting - 19th January 7pm

19 Jan 2022

We will be holding a ladies and girls kick-off meeting on Wednesday 19th from 7pm, we are eager to open the meeting up not only to our senior players but also to our juniors, their parents and across our membership so we can start to build a community and a network of supporters across the club that allows us to recognise the rapidly expanding ladies section at Chertsey CC.

There are lots of opportunities to play competitive cricket at all levels, and these continue to grow year on year, we want to build  pathways for our younger colts into intermediate and senior cricket. If you are interested in playing, helping us, or just want to be a part of the fastest growing section at the club we would very much welcome your company on the night! The bar will be open...